Ashley ~ Springfield High School Class of 2020

Almost 18 years ago I sat in bed in a hospital room and held the tiny human who had made me a mother that late afternoon. I was patiently waiting for President George Bush to finish addressing the nation on the 1 month anniversary of 9/11 so that I could tune into the Friends episode. This was the episode where Rachel finally tells Ross she’s pregnant …. during labor my biggest goal was to deliver in time to watch this!

I remember during my pregnancy calculating out what year my baby would graduate from high school. 2020 seemed so far off in the distance … and so futuristic … would we be living life like the Jetsons by then? And now, here we are. In just a couple of days she will start her final year of high school. While the journey hasn’t always been easy, it certainly has gone by fast. I am incredibly proud of all that she has accomplished and of the person that she is becoming.

Ashley is planning to obtain her LNA this school year through the tech center’s health services program, and attend college in the fall to obtain her BSN.

(Warning: I had an incredibly hard time choosing just a few for the Blog …. believe me, this IS just a few! We had a fun couple of days shooting at the town pool, as well as a trip to Manchester, NH to capture a more urban feel)