Family Photos ~ What to wear

I often hear …. what should I wear to family portraits? And it is one of my favorite questions to answer because well, there’s really no wrong answer here …. well absent crazy big, mismatched patterns - but if that is your family’s jam I can still make it work!

My top piece of advice is always - make sure all outfit choices are comfortable to each member of the family. If you are a hoodie & sweatpants family, I’m going to see your uncomfortableness all over your face when you’re posing in structured stiff outfits. You can change out that hoodie for a thermal long sleeve henley shirt or a waffle weave long sleeve tee … both these options are still comfy but elevate your everyday style just a little bit. Those grey sweatpants can be traded in for a dark pair of joggers without losing comfort or style.

My second piece of advice ….. dress mom first! As mother’s so often it is us holding the family together … we’ve long since traded in any sense of style for comfortable clothes that often are wrinkled because they’re grabbed last minute & often show signs of yesterday’s dinner or that cold your little one has been nursing (you know you are)! Tamed locks have given way to messy buns and that complex make up routine has been traded for maybe some moisturizer and mascara at best. We would never want it any other way but when it comes time for family portraits take this one opportunity to put yourself first. Buy that dress that you keep going back to …. go get your hair cut & splurge at little at Sephora. I’m here to tell you, it is OK!

Finally, when it comes to colors in the fall give me all the plumb, sage and mustard you have got! Dressing for family photos doesn’t need to be a matching game - you can get a cohesive look dressing in coordinating colors and that color palette works fabulously for all skin tones.

Family photos are about capturing your family where they are at right here in this moment. Before you know it the days of needing to only wear that Elsa costume or never leaving the house without THAT blanket will be nothing more than a faded memory. Embrace these memories in your family photos - coordinate outfits around the icy blue of that Elsa dress or the deep emerald green of that lovey blanket. Worry about capturing the here & now while you are so busy living it vs. that perfect Instagram worthy portrait ….. ten years from now you will be so grateful you did!

I gave this same advice to Heather when she asked me that question. When the family got out of the car I thought I had gone to photographers heaven with her ruinously gorgeous burgundy gown coupled with a sweeping mustard yellow baby sling. Dad & older brother were also dressed super adorably in coordinating colors. Then we went and had some fun … we tossed leaves, we captured silly faces, we played & we had so much fun creating images that would forever mark this moment in time.