Family Photos ~ Managing expectations

In a utopian world we all dream of those perfect family portraits … where everyone if perfectly coifed, clothing is well coordination, the background is to die for and every is sitting beautifully together facing the camera with million dollar smiles. But that is very from reality …. I’m not sure in my career I have ever had that level of perfection and, frankly, I don’t want it! I want the unpredictability of toddlers …. the teenagers counting down their reunion with friends …. that dad that has a Yeti just off camera containing something that is most definitely NOT water.

For me, family portraits are a journey, a time for togetherness to capture who you are right now in this very moment. 15 years from now you’re going to look longingly back at the time when Johnny wouldn’t keep his tongue in his mouth when he smile or Mary carried her stuffed dog around 24/7 and literally could never be without it. You will miss these moments and long for the days where Jimmy was completely uninterested in photos unless his cheeks were filled with M&M’s. Come to me with who you are right now …. we will have fun, hunt for rocks and sticks, maybe play a little music or a video on my phone and I will capture these precious moments. The kids will remember playing in the woods not sitting perfectly stiff & still …. and in two years when you are ready to do it again …. they’ll be happy & excited & ready for another hour of connection and adventure.

Besides, if everything was perfect would you get an amazing image like this?!