Chase the hockey player

Chase missed his hockey team photo day this season as we were on vacation when they were taken in November. I had taking them on my radar for quite some time and visions of using the rink at RMS but with hockey “free time” doesn’t necessarily exist and the little bit that did the weather was uncooperative with heavy wet snow or so warm the rink was closed. Today I finally found a bit of free time and changed directions with just taking the portraits at home. I wanted to be sure to capture him at this point in time - he has grown to love this sport so much and well, you can’t deny this boy can rock a mullet!

At first he was far less than impressed to have his video game time interrupted for such foolishness but once we go out there & working he proposed his own ideas of some action shots using his roller blades.

First, my set of images.

After I was satisfied with what I wanted (although I’m still trying to decide which one for the magnet for the fridge) we were off to the races exploring Chase’s love of hockey and photography. Here’s his ideas - including the panning image which he directs by saying “like my dirt bike picture mom!”

It seems crazy that the season is “already” winding down (we started in October). This team has worked so hard & grown so much it is really quite delightful watching them play - even when facing some of the toughest teams they keep digging in and showing just how far they have come since the beginning of the season.

In addition to everything else the two biggest bonuses hockey has given us is so much extra time with Chase - while he often has his nose in his phone we have been lucky to get a lot of extra car time to talk and get to know what he’s thinking and secondly, since we spend so much time in cold rinks we’ve been able to keep the heat at about 64 in the house & still be comoftable!